Photography of the Night Sky

In this video Mike Wilson shares his passion for photographing the night sky and includes some info on what you will find if you look upward plus a few images to wet your apatite for capturing stunning shots of the heavens.


thegman57 says:

Good Stuff, nicely done…

finlarg says:

Excellent stuff! I always love seeing other people’s views through their telescopes. I don’t have a CCD or automated tracking (yet), but hope to one day. Have you made videos before? This is too polished for an absolute beginner!

Topvideos1001 says:

I bet Lawrence could not set up that Quick 😉

You’re too kind! I’ve made low quality videos before but I’m trying to keep the quality high for this channel. I’m a beginner just starting out making videos really, so always looking for tips and critique to make the content better 🙂

He always sets up quicker than I do (and his telescope is bigger than mine [oo-er!]).

ThoughtfulGeek says:

Thank you!

kurotako says:

cool!! interesting and funny to watch…when’s the next one?

finlarg says:

Well, you’ve done good so far. Having the timelapse of the set-up and tracking are interesting to see, did you get any inspiration from Thunderf00t?

ThoughtfulGeek says:

Thanks. Yes, I drew some inspiration from his BeautyInTheUniverse channel for the time lapse of the setup and tracking although his style and approach is different to mine. I’ll take this idea further in another video.

lovelittlecats says:

1:05 …. there’s that lovely music again which I have never been able to find 🙁


yoda6677 says:

very nice….

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