David Oliver is best known for his award winning wedding and portrait photography. In 2007 David was awarded a Grand Master of Photography, one of only five in the world. In this video, David talks about his other photographic passion: shooting landscapes. Hear from our Nikon Ambassador as he discusses his favourite locations, talks about camera gear and offers key tips on how you can improve your landscape photo’s. See more @ My Nikon Life: mynikonlife.com.au
Hard to explain, well, just suit your self. D300s is still the best for me, 😀
Nice cameras they are. I use Canon though because I prefer the control layout.
You’re missing the 24-70mm f2.8 ;p
yeah, I haven’t own that, yet 😀
come to Jordan :p
Landscape Photography Tips-Where?… What i saw it’s only a commercial for Nikon.
-1 .. Just a Nikon advertisement….
Saw the Masters of Wedding Photography DVD Oliver is such a fake,He complained so much about digital show’s that he is just another Guy trying get some free Nikon stuff a real sell out
Loving the fact that he likes shooting scotland- but I’d like to trade places for a month or so. Love my Nikon gear but can’t understand folk sayin, “that’s better/ this is better” Gear is about personal finance and more so, preference.
not many “tips”. Nice Nikon commercial though.
Stupid, you can shoot fantastic landscapes with used D200 with Tamron lens. This is just an advertisment…. not tips 🙁
Hey, what’s the Digital Rev music doing in the background. And where’s Kai and his sexual-themed jokes? 🙂
nawet nie próbuje zrozumieć ale patrze jak gada.
Thanks for teaching me nothing- warning! this is just an advert.
Thanks for the obvious statement
is this guy a photographer or a Nikon marketing exec. ?
Aside from the advertising nature of this clip some of the ideas behind it are great.
Tripods are not obsolete. Obviously a beautifully done 60 second exposure cannot be done with one.
Somehow I know this guy ain’t usin’ the nikon software for editing.
I like his glasses, what brand are they?
He is a Leica camera user!
In wedding photography interview I’ve seen, he used and advocated a Leica rangefinder camera. Wonder what made him switch to Nikon?
nikon Nikon NIKON NIKON NIKON!!!!!! tips? BLAHHHHH free adverts on youtube
Canons are why much better 😀
he said nik software not nikons NX software. totally different companies and programs.
Totally misleading title and the video failed to sell me Nikon.
david oliver mostly uses leica camera… he’s my idol..
The music is actually from Adorama TV (Mark Wallace) 😉
i shoot nikon, but these videos are hopeless. people watching these videos would not be be able to afford shooting with a D3X and that monster 2.8 lens. 😛
This guy is on his squares.
Nikon sucks
canon Sucks Completely,, Nikon Rules!!!!!!!!!!!
scotland = amazing scenery
Both cameras are awesome.
Nice tips on landscape photography. Thanks for that but do those tips also work with Canon DSLRs or do I need to get me a Nikon?
thats imovie music, plenty of youtubers use the free music from imovie.
Yer man people are nikon or canon shooters i do not care what u use That camera the canon line will be a canon EOS 5D Mk III its like 23.1 mega pixels
Thats what i use!
3:15 WOW!
I always wonder how to measure the best distance for depth of field. I mean, if you shoot f8 or f11 you will get nice depth of field when shooting landscape and you will get everything from front to end in focus. But how would u decide that for f11 is the best to shoot how much further scene. let’s say for the same scene f5.6 would not give you that long DOF. so plz explain the relationship between distance and F stop number to get the best dof and even the farthest subject to be in focus.
So why use a Nikon D3x if you’re just going to edit the photos to look like they were taken with a film camera? Why not just USE a film camera?
it is like he is whispering, the editor should knows this
Is this an advertisement of Nikon or video about landskape photografy tips?
why are they shooting landscapes at an ugly location in the middle of the day?