Night Photography Documentary (part 3 of 3)

This is part three (of three) of the night photography documentary film made in 2003. Night photographers Howie Spielman, Troy Paiva, Larrie Thompson, Tom Paiva, Lance Keimig and Steve Harper discuss their work and explain the stories behind some of their most memorable photographs. Narration by Moonfrye. To keep up on the latest news in night photography, More info available at The Night Photography Blog


artemorbid says:


Mark Silva says:

outstanding! thanks so much for making this!

MrKidlet says:

Great film! Going out tonight to try my first bit of night photography as cable release arrived in post this morning! Useful tips, thanks. I think the end quote is spot on…the trouble is a lot have daytime photography of beautiful scenes ie beaches, citys etc can be so easily replicated, night photography has the potential much more for a trippier edge! Cheers guys

heicKy says:

Thank’s for the documentary! Good to end the film with great song 😛

Thanks for making the documentary and for sharing it with us. It looks very professionally made and well cut.

gasgas270 says:

Superb. Inspirational. Kudos.

praveenritu says:

superb! so inspired.. I am an amateur in this field such information available online.. lets photographer like me to groom easily.. 🙂 Thanks

Jrew Taylor says:

This was amazing, and great Documentary.

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