When posed the question “What’s the best camera?” 9 times out of 10, most professional photographers will reply “The one you have on you” so what do you do when the only camera you have to hand is the one in your cell phone?
This video shows iPhone users, as well as all camera equipped cell phone users, how to take great portraits without any additional lighting equipment or gear. By knowing a few basic principles about exposure and lighting, you really can take great photos with just your phone’s camera. More information about this shoot which can be found at: www.michaelthemaven.com.
The best part was when you said “Go Stand Over There!” LOL…
SO, if you don’t like APPLE, go somewhere else or to your closet and gripe….Awesome video, took a lot of work. I love having a camera with me all the time and taking photos of what I want. If I were aspiring to be a professional photographer I would be on another web site.
this may replace a point and shoot (and a very crappy one!) but phones aren’t cameras, that is why the white balance is horrible, the focal length is horrible, the focus in most phones (maybe not in your precious iPhone 4)… etc…
LOL- Good one! Did you even watch the video? Looks like you missed the point my friend.
hahaha: “go get me a beer, woman!”
Yea, exactly what I was thinking! lolllllll
Mike, I was all ears until you introduced your model. Then, my focus took a detour. LOL!
All in all, it’s a great introductory video. Thanks for that. 🙂
Exactly, I kept watching it over and over and over again! =D
hahaha! For those who want to know what we are talking about it’s right here 5:52
Congratulations! Very good video.
buddy your video’s are awesome your tutorials help so much keep it up
why titled iphone specifically and not camera phone in general?
awsome thanks man you help me alot
is this in phoenix?
Michael,you are an excellent teacher and inspiration to all budding photo enthusiast. Keep it up!!hope to see more videos!!!
Thank you!
Limit iphone4, you will get it if you faster than others! KqXl4 accuc.info
Great and helpful video, thank you! I’m having fun with the new aps.
how to use wide angel lens of phone for take good photos for face plz answer me
i use nokia n8
Dammit use black model