Portrait Photography Composition – Working with Hands and Feet

This video covers hands & feet as they are the toughest parts of the body to pose. these what to do and not to do tips will also make your models far more comfortable which will make the photograph much better.


dakipro says:

Thanks for the effort, we really appreciate it… cheers, keep shooting 🙂

jc636r says:

Awesome awesome awesome video. It’s just important to me to know what not to do.

jc636r says:

Keep these coming. Thanks for helping me be a better casual photographer.

jimmycrackedcorn226 says:

Use some of my work! 😀

arubaforever says:

Another good one Cazillo, have always like the straight forward style.

dobermansnp says:

Great video Greg!

ablundon says:

Great video. With the new white background and format you’ve brought it from just a guy doing videos to a professional looking web based show. Now you need to add a cool intro with music.

chargr383 says:

Great interesting video. Really puts taking portraits into perspective. Alot of details to pay attention too. Love the new video layout.

Always liked the cropped by camera over doing crop in post. And nice helpful video.

Snorelax63 says:

I KNEW there was a reason I’d subscribed. Mental note made (no chopping limbs and digits off at the joints). Not something I’d ever thought about but makes perfect sense now I’ve seen examples. Thank you Greg. 🙂

dubstylzmw says:

Great video as always Greg. Keep em’ coming 🙂

Snakekilla12 says:

a lot of photographers, even pros that get’s published, crop fingers, hands, wrists, forehead, ankles, etc. It’s NOT a style choice, it is a technical error on user side, 1 being releasing the photo is an error with the poor crop, and 2 not paying attention when cropping in camera or in post crop.

Snakekilla12 says:

6:59 a little too much headroom in my opinion

litoazmitia says:

Jeez I feel i should be paying you for all these free tutorials you dive us. Thanks boss.

Not if it needs to be cropped to 8×10 which happens quite often.

MrPhoenix8008 says:

great advice great photos Greg thank you!

han1990sel says:

How should you launch a photography career? :0

GregoryCazillo says:

Take good photos.

It’s perfect if you have the Rule of Thirds in mind. His eyes fall on the uppermost line.

MrLobsterity says:

Greg, we really need the posing videos. there is enough technical information everywhere, i already know more than enough tech, but when it comes to “-hey,how shall i stand? what pose to make?” – i’m lost, i can’t think out completely anything 🙂 or i can learn by heart some poses from an old russian “teach-yourself book for models”, but i don’t know when to apply which pose, so that book is not an effective learning source

GregoryCazillo says:

I promise they are on my list. I have a bunch of them in mind.

MrLobsterity says:


snuurtje says:

Great information, this is the hardest part of people photography I think, getting them into comfortable positions that work. Ive subscribed!

DarkShinigami24 says:

You,my good sir, need to publish your own book with all these tips- and on how to pose people! Amazing. going to use all your tips to shoot my first wedding on Saturday!

C4n4di4n1 says:

keep doing your thing brother you ROCK :P

the white background looks great too !
take care from montreal canada !!!

marekknowak says:

Great tips, thanks!

jmknbsc says:

Hi Greg:
I was going to comment about the photo of the hand out of the car window (8:30) some time back, when I first saw that shot. As far as I know no one else has commented on the fact that the hand is in the reverse (if the engagement ring is on the left hand as per norm). Is there a reason for the shot being shown this way?

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