Digital Camera Setup for Landscape Photography

Digital Camera Setup for Landscape Photography. This is how this professional photographer configure his camera for 90% of his landscape shooting. he uses a Pentax digital camera but the setting should suit most makes and models (where available) Don’t forget your remote release/cable release!


MrDazza64 says:

Thanks Edward, another very interesting & informative post.

Great advice. I don’t use a tripod much, but wouldn’t have figured out that preset focus point for myself although it makes perfect sense. Regarding the 15mm lens with the step down filter ring, it’s reassuring that it can perform well against bright light without the hood. Thank you for such informative videos – I can honestly say I learned something from each one so far.

Robbie Barratt says:

What polarizing filter do you use?

varyabol says:

cant wait to get my k-5 in a couple of weeks n maybe even accidentally include that 15mm. should i sell my k-7? i dont see a point of having it.

werschi says:

thanks for your advice! i configured these settings at user preferences 1, i also renamed that to something meaningful like LANDSCAPE. 😉 just one note: selecting mirror lockup or self timer will disable shake reduction automatically, i discovered that by accident. 😉

stargirl1207 says:

Thx for the settings!! Need to try some shots asap.
Could you pls tell me the metering mode? thx in advance.

Pan41ter09 says:

Can you make a tip when you do portrait for K5?
thanks Panther

MrTheMislav says:

Unfortunately, most lower ISO is 80 in Pentax K5 cameras 🙂

hobinlobo says:

Does the built in hood on the 15mm get in the way at all if using the 49-77 adapter (or similar)? Thanks.

vf252 says:

You mentioned bracketing in this video. Do you take braketed shots for capturing greater dynamic range in your images and just merge with software? If so, what are your typical number of shots, and EV spread? great practical videos!

Glendale1901 says:

video could’ve done without the music intro.

plungepro says:

Can you go over a cable release?

Oxizee says:

And where to focus on? Highlights, Mid-tones, darks? How to find the best exposure?

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