Element Theory of Landscape Photography – Part 1

Never heard of the “Element Theory of Landscape Photography?” Well he made it up! But it helps to understand why some of my landscape shots are better than others. This tutorial is a bit “out there” on the philosophical side but very interesting and informative none the less.


Nona says:

I sercehad a bunch of sites and this was the best.

DWScorp says:

I like this element theory 🙂 Never really thought about in such perspective. I appreciate your effort.

On a side note, i understand A4 and A3 sizes 😉 we use metric system here in India but when you have seen such sizes the nomenclature is easier to understand.

jojjebros says:

I loveee your chanal. And btw i don’t get the A system either! What comes after A1 btw?

photouniverse says:

A2? I don’t know… Thanks! – Edward

Any new way of looking at something is always good! Glad I could help! Thanks! – Edward

dogblessamerica says:

Lol… the A system is quite easy! A4 is about the size of a magazine page or a letter. A3 is the size of 2 A4 sheets side by side (think of an open magazine), A2 is lthe size of 2 A3 sheets side by side…. and so on.

A5 is the size of an A4 folded in half, and A6 is… well you get the idea!

ca95f says:

A0 is bigger than A1 (double), A2 is smaller than A1(half).
The system (ISO 216) is ingenious. Every advancement in size means that the width of the bigger size (ie A3) is the length of the smaller size (A4). This means that if you cut an A3 shet in half, you get two A4 sheets etc.

ssandell9 says:

Mmmmnkay!? Great video, but tone down the affirmation jabber, mmmnnnnnnkkkkaaaaayyyyyyyyyy?

SwissAmbush says:

What did you use for these!? And get a flickr!


After A1 comes A0. The smaller the number the bigger is the format. A0 is twice the size of a A1, as the A1 is twice the size of A2, and so one. A4 is pretty much the same size of a normal office paper, or a notebook.

jojjebros says:

and after A0? I get the system but i think it would have been better if they reversed the naming so that A1


After A0 we get 2A0 and then 4A0 and so on. A0 has an area of 1 squere meter. All formats follow the rule: y=x.sqr2 (squere root of 2) regarding its sides. We have as well the B and C series formats acording to ISO 216.

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