Travel and Landscape Photography Tips

This is a promotional trailer for Karl Taylor’s Travel and Landscape Photography Tips DVD. Part of his Photography Masterclass DVD series. Includes a few useful tips and a collection of very nice resulting photos.


punkdpoison says:

what filters and filter holder do you use,tell me if you can please.

sprocketrsvr says:

The peice of glass or filter that you put on the front of your lens throughout this, what is that called and where would i find one, thankyou.

fredNielssen says:

They’re known as Graduated Neutral Density filters (“grads”) look for brands like Lee, Tiffen or Roscoe. Probably just as important is the filter holder, one that allows rotation helps allot.

vh280495 says:

I am almost certain that Karl uses Lee holder and filters.

sharagim1 says:

i have questions, you said: They only really have a problem with it if you are going to sell the photos if you are a professional………….

how they can find out i”m pro or amator as torist and can get picutures.?

enthusiasticcab6 says:

Cool video. I’m just learning myself, I’ve found a lot of helpful tips at thephotographyclinic (.) com

cookiepwnsU says:

pro’s usually have 4k dollar cameras and 12k lenses 😛

sharagim1 says:

that” mean”s dslr”s camera and lens of canon or nikon isn”t pro ?

beebeeice says:

Its the photoshop that makes it look superb..

simply2ghetto says:

But I keep hearing in these vids that you can take these pics with a basic SLR

cookiepwnsU says:

you can. i was saying pro’s are easy to spot since they lug around gear a hobbyist wouldn’t dare dream about owning

girlwheelie says:

Just bought the three DVD series… wish me luck!!! 😉

FirebrandNIRE says:

I purchased karl’s DVD set last year, their absolutely amazing!

clearodef says:

What was the purpose of point out the use of the filter that was similar to an ND but split in half? Just trying to understand. Thanks for all the great tips so far.

felix2877 says:

i hope i could learn ..and develop my own style..thank you for vid.

advabhijeetjoshi says:

Great videos all of them. And by the way what is the filter system you are using is called?

AussieSoccerBoy94 says:

he uses a lee filter system

abpanphoto says:

Wow those are great images!

connor3254 says:

i just saved enough money for all your dvds and after watching the first one, i do not regret buy them. thank you so much for making videos that you can understand easily.

MrPlaystationboy says:

that is some stunning photos

KO8789 says:

Hey guys, just a quick question about the security of photo. Can I lock my photo’s properties (for ex: The shuttle speed or author etc ) so that no matter what happen (someone download it from facebook) but they still having my properties and can’t change it? Cheers

b8sam6cash says:

Thanks for the tips?

VanyahaHeights says:

I was in Paris last year and my oh my, So many photo opportunities there! 🙂

This guy is the master. Greate videos, well explained. Thanks!!

TheStillwaterFilms says:

i was litterally sitting here cringing at how badly i want to learn to take photos like this

MaxScrubbed says:

how is that filter in front of your lens called? Thanks ;)

shonenarts23 says:

you’re the great photographer also

kevintanojo says:

if like this, what white balance we need to use?

dbm505 says:

Love the videos! But I`m getting the feeling that without the ND Filter I won`t be able to make any of the really artistic photos that I was planning on…  🙂

Thanks for sharing, mate!

plungepro says:

So much passion combined with great talent, well done.

my favirotes were the ocean shot and than the glass pyramid

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