In this video photographer Michael Schlueter reveals some superb tips and techniques for early morning landscape photography.
In this video photographer Michael Schlueter reveals some superb tips and techniques for early morning landscape photography.
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Thank you for this informative video. its really gonna help a lot to all d experienced people as well as the amateurs like me !
few tips are really helpful n these were what i was looking for from a long time. thanks man !
Great stuff. i’ll try these tips in my next outing.
thanks for sharing your valuable knowledge withthehelp of this great video. people are learning so much from you. good job 🙂
i’ve seen all other videos too that you’ve uploaded. thanks a ton for sharing your knowledge with the world.
good job .. nice video 🙂 but it would have been more nice if you would have also showed the after effects of your tutorial.
stunning tips. your video have taught me so much m/
Composition, exposure + light conditions, point(s) of focus, chosen depth of field m/
great work !
I am quite new to photography so i don’t know much about it but after watching your video i’m filled with new energy and confidence. will surely use your tips soon.
The time and effort put in to explaining this to viewers is very impressive. very useful tips. thanks 🙂
your tips sound so enthusiastic. Thank you so much for the help.
Great Point! I need to do that, stay tuned and I’ll publish the results Thanks:)
can you please tell me which camera is the best for people who are deeply interested in photography ? you are a very experienced man and your tips and videos are too fantastic.
also give few tips on night photography, if possible. thnks 🙂
you taught such useful tips in less than 5 minutes whereas people spend years learning these. very appreciable !
i respect n love people like you who have made things so easy to learn by uploading these tutorials/tips on youtube. if all people do the same then sooner we would not need to go to schools or training centres for learning thses. tips that has been delivered by you are great and would help a lot in enriching our photography skills. hats off man 🙂 thanks alot !
great tutorial.seriously!i love it..