5 Min Portrait – Portrait Photography Tutorial With Gizzy

This is a full photo shoot by Jared recently done with Gizzy O’Toole in Philadelphia PA, using the Nikon D3s with Nikon 14-24 Nikon 24-70 and Nikon 70-200 2.8 VRII.


LapBand Mel says:

i want the shirt!!! 🙂

300Z31 says:

What type of reflector is that? Pretty neat that it’s got that switchable cover.

gtochad says:

omg good eyes! its the killer bee at 6:29 ! 😀

chinafobbyboi says:

i think he was just trying to show you how each type of lens would produce different effect of pictures. i prefer photos with backgrounds for landmark tho. hehe
here is my rule: if the model is ridiculous good looking, the only thing in the picture is HER! if she is kind mehhh…. ill include some interesting backgrounds.

PerryHacksApples says:

you look like that guy from lmfao in the beginning LOL

LuigiVN says:


NBGZerO says:

With how flimsy the lens hood on the 70 – 200 VRII feels…I’m not sure about the protection part…but I agree, lens hood on all the time

NBGZerO says:

Btw if you had Alina, why not use the silver reflective side and just back her up a lot, and use the falloff to your advantage?

thegleary says:

What kind of microphone did they use for this video? How can you hear them so well?

AndreyArtem says:

how can we get the same shirt as you?

JayFryMedia says:

Jared, if you don’t want to put up with signal interference with your mic, get a zoom H1 and plug your lapel mic in it and record your audio separate then sync it post production (it doesn’t take that much time, people complain about it because it takes an extra 5 minutes out of their life but seriously, It’s very much worth it for the audio quality). also, you don’t get as much pre-amp noise.

vpl7582 says:

What!!??? I’m actually a Canon guy with no knowledge of Nikon gear, but I thought the D3 was one of those higher end full frame cameras.I may be wrong but regardless, 200 as the lowest ISO? Not good.

vpl7582 says:

I didn’t learn anything here that I didn’t know before but this was very entertaining to watch. The part when the bee kept messing with them was hilarious; also the part when he asked the assistant for her address. Funny guy.

phatfieldguitar says:

So I was unsure of whether I didn’t like this guy because he seemed a little over confident but decided he seemed okay until that comment about anticipating blinks…

angel9719 says:

HE man I live in philly to let me know if you need help . lol

Meher Chaitanya says:

5=12 !!!!!!!!

shyboyent2 says:

reflector… Its used to bounce natural light when there is no other source

ngbrian1111 says:

I dont think you think the guy know what he doing, please change the tittle from tutorial to practicing. IF YOU NEED HELP, LET ME KNOW

nriaziat says:

links broken

ppr0n says:

No, the thing that’s falling from the sky, just disappearing

masterplan8 says:

Are you using Aperture priority?

sbd786 says:

i am a 13 year old wanna be photographer. i saved for many years to get myself a canon rebel t1i. i know what aperture iso etc are but i am still trying to figure out how to put them together like how open the aperture should be or how high the iso. i learn a lot from your videos THANK YOU:) and you always make me smile. oh and watch out for that bee!

Anthonyperez3 says:

Please do more 5 min videos!! :)

Great tutorial. Thanks for sharing!

ajayfay says:

do me a favor- you can take a photo, but please write a script or something so that you don’t get on a tangent.. I don’t want to hate, but you could have walked around a bit.. Good pics though.. ( a tad bit contrasty for my taste.. but you were shooting in bright daylight..

Caustictherapy says:

“Waaa SHOO BEE ! ! ! !” LOL

HrMicMan says:

6:30 its on my screen at top 🙂
Some sort of bug, you can see it fly towards Jareds underarm, and then turn right passing Gizzy 🙂

userseaf says:

Wonderful Job Fro

MaSSiVe0101 says:

Quite ironic that Rembrandt is hanging in the background 😉

Darkgotrunks says:

Look its Kia W on the left!

Kevin Chou says:

It’s the bee!

Md Ha says:

its like a day out with him :p

thisisjasperTV says:

Haha, love the beatles reference

MarchLikeTheMonth says:

i dont get this guy. all the expensive gear and no real knowledge. thanks for making me want to get into photography full time. if you can do it…anyone can

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