In this video professional photographer Karl Taylor shares some landscape composition tips using the humble standard 50mm lens, (because he forgot to bring his wide angle 😉 )
In this video professional photographer Karl Taylor shares some landscape composition tips using the humble standard 50mm lens, (because he forgot to bring his wide angle 😉 )
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good video excellent result hopefully ill get to say hi at focus in Birmingham on the monday
Great stuff karl :D looking forward to seeing you at FOCUS 😀
I have used 50mm and tamron 90mm macro. Both are good for landscapes. On an APS-C camera. Look for splashes, water running around rocks, seaweed, small animals.
I understand the perspective comments related to a 50mm. Perspective to a photographer is like a choice of brushes to a painter. However the thinner DoF of a 50mm may require additional problem solving. I’ve shot my share of 3 row panos with a 50mm, some DoF issues need to be stacked to avoid.
which lens did you leave behind and for which camera hasselblad im guessin
. . . and my wife makes fun when she sees me with all my stuff when I go out. Pleasant video, thanks Karl.
That actually looks like a 50mm 1.8. 🙂 Great video, as always. Please keep them coming, as I really like your approach to getting the right shot. Thanks for posting this!
no remote trigger?
Hi The first shot on the lcd had the sun set in. I often go with a shot in mind and come back with something different (usually crap) but IT often find the best shots are unplanned.
These vids are great.. always refreshing to see new ones come out! Makes me want to go out and shoot!
Yes what is this filter called that ur using??? It doesnt look like the usual screw on filter… Please n thanks!
Hat and gloves seem like something you should have brought too, it looked a mite chilly. Hard to concentrate on getting a good shot when you’re not prepared for the wether. But I do appreciate the videos. I just purchased a number of filters of that sort and I’m at all comfortable with them yet. Thanks again.
This guy is like the Jason Stathom of photography. Badass enough to handel a hasselblad…with one hand.
Any reason why you used the aperture of f/4 instead of something more common for landscapes like f/11? A smaller aperture would’ve probably made the rock closest to the camera also sharp, and in my mind the resulting image would’ve been better.
It’s been a while since last time … We miss you man !!
I agree. Also, IMO, could’ve cropped the final image a little wider 16:9 or 16:10 ratio.
we could see the major disappointment in your face for having forgotten the wide angle, kudos for trying to make lemonade out of lemons, your end result was ok but the foreground rock being OOF (short DOF) didnt work for me personally, I do love your vids though dude
It’s actually alot easier with a higher zoom lens. Just moving the camera 3 inches with an ultra wide can ruin the composition.
Lovely video!
Neat 🙂 I might wanna break out the ol’ nifty-fifty for some landscape 🙂 Thanks man! Also I do believe that the 50mm is an amazing focal lenght for just about anything ^^ Love my fifty!
Perfect 🙂 Can’t wait to see it, Karl 🙂
Great shot Karl with the 50mm see you at the NEC Birmingham.
not necessary. you could leave it on 2 or even 10 seconds self-timer. it’s the same.
need an wireless remote shutter for my eos 550D .. any recommendations? =D
sorry it was meant to say f14
Great video, or videos rather! Thanks so much for sharing. I normally don’t comment on videos but I have been researching for a solid tripod – just curious what kind of tripod you are using in this video? Thanks!
Since he was timing it to take pictures as the water was on its way out, and how the waves and water are somewhat unpredictable, even with a 2 second delay he might not have gotten the moment captured that he’d most want. A remote or just pressing the button would be necessary in this case to start the exposure at exactly the right moment. A delay would work fine for long exposures of stationary or slowly moving things, though, such as stars or rippling water.
I like what you said about not always using just a really wide lens for landscapes. Sure it’s cool to take in the entire scene, but if that’s all you do at a location then there’s a lot going to waste. On my camera I use a 12-24mm lens. That’s a great range to capture a vista and then focus in on something.
…and thats why my 24-105 is always in my bag 🙂 Wide angle, check. Tight crop, check 🙂 Great vid once again!
Where is he ?? .. The beach is awesome *-*
Someone should start a pancake lens challange
what do you think about the nikon D600?