Superb advise on taking superb portrait pictures and wedding photographs from top photographer Bambi Cantrell.
Superb advise on taking superb portrait pictures and wedding photographs from top photographer Bambi Cantrell.
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i’m a great photographer, i have been taught, but it has been a while
was taught well, love photography, have done wedding photo’s and graduation pics.
does anyone elses cut out at 0:56 ????
very clear explanation but it was too complicated for me. i like the way u used your effort on this video ^_^ but i think my country does not have background that look so nice and lol i actually look ugly
nice photo tips …
yes she is amazing, thanks for checking out our vids
Lovely inspiring video.
I’ve been paralysed from the neck down for 20 years. I’ve just ordered a mouth operated shutter release for my 450D and will be out rediscovering my love of photography as soon as it arrives
thank you I’m glad you were able to find her video and her unique inspiration. please send over your images so we can share your joy of advancing your photography
@marcsilber 0:56 – 1:13 it blacks out and has no sound…
thanks for alerting us we’ll get this fixed with YouTube
the picture at 5:24 is so beautiful
She’s just so professional!
That’s so awesome for your! My brother is paralyzed from the waist down. I’ll be shooting his wedding soon and am doing my research, as I’m not a pro. I’m so glad they have equipment like this for you!
wow amazing stuff…. thanks!
Still not fixed
I registered her wedding lecture with adorama, i cant wait to meet her in person. She is AWESOME!
Meh, I like nature, not people. thanks for the tips though, I’m sure it will help1
Great tips!
0:50 Siri?
1 year ago and not fixed until now :p
this is a very helpful vid. Thanks!
you actually did it
use the youtube editor weeeeee!!!
Follow me on twitter! @ItsTimKyles. Tons of ways to make a residual income monthly from your digital Camera! (I Follow Back)
Liked the use of hand to analyze the light ….. Strange … never thought of that….ty
Really useful advice. Thank you for posting
haha i was looking for someone to comment saying this
Agreed, getting the couple to relax is key.
Hi Bambi,
We added your video to our ‘wedding photographers’ playlist. 😀
We would love you to share your top 3 photography tips for successfully capturing one’s BIG day on our blog. Please connect with us here on youtube or on twitter.
By the way, you might want to check out our ‘Top 50 Wedding Photographers on twitter’ on our blog. Should you be on the list?