In this video attendees learn about night photography at the Paris Stock Photo Expedition with professional photographer Shelly Perry who passes on a couple of tips in this video short.
In this video attendees learn about night photography at the Paris Stock Photo Expedition with professional photographer Shelly Perry who passes on a couple of tips in this video short.
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When I was a kid there was a game called “Careers.” You moved pieecs around the board and followed different career tracks and picked up different points. You had to earn 60 points to win, but before the game started you had to decide whether your career goal was to collect, say, 50 money points (little dollar signs), 5 fame points (little stars), and 5 happiness points (little hearts), or some different combination. It didn’t take much playing to figure out that you were better off shooting for mostly money (following the business track) or fame (the Hollywood track), and you weren’t going to win aiming for lots of hearts. (I think the farming track gave you some hearts and not much else.) It’s pretty clear that Steve Sailer either didn’t play much “Careers” as a kid, or is stubborn or a slow learner, because he seems to have followed some kind of very wrong-headed 5 dollar signs / 10 stars / 45 hearts strategy in life … for which those of us who enjoy his blog can be grateful.
the begining of the bond film Thunderball was filmed there in 1965