Lesson11.1 – Night Photography Tutorial

This tutorial about night photography will show you how to take long exposures during the night. Find out what camera settings are better is which situation. A lot of examples!


IceFritzLanger says:

Thank you very much for the night tutorial =)

bozziovai says:

.. you are one of the best teachers in photography alongside bryan peterson and jarid polin. your presentation is very specific. thank you for helping us newbies.

cuate46 says:

Excellent explanation!

cupcat81 says:

setting  just for d70s???

dailyboredom says:

does anyone else find her accent sexy or is it just me

DinivianDondi says:

Great job Oksana!

Boros777 says:

what tripod do you use?

Enzo says:

– The Pet Trust has 2 great ambassadors; Michael Rosenberg and ltlite mascot Pepe. Miami needs to seize this opportunity to set an example for the rest of FL on what can happen when a good guy reaches out to all the other good people in the community with a plan of action to save animal lives being destroyed by the thousands every week. Get on board Miami and the rest of Florida will follow. Go Miami!

135sky531 says:

sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo great. 

ThaLynx says:

really useful lessons!

yojexplor says:

you are very good teacher, love the way u explain, very clear and specific. Im newbie in photography and now understand why i got those picture with ur video. thanks a lot.

kmiloguisa says:

Thank you very much,,your video halp me a lot!!!!!!!!!!!

Dinahhs3 says:

Nice more pls

Bailo says:

and natural in front of the caemra. Tori is Jazi’s (Check out Jazi and Josh’s session here.) little sister, and they asked me to take her pictures as soon as they got their disc back. Side

lsilvaj says:

I watch a lot of tutorials on youtube and you’re by far the best instructor.. thank you very much for sharing your knowledge… 🙂

Lincoshop says:

Night Photography Tutorial!
see:w w w.youtube.com/watch?v=zZRFlKdsHDg&feature=plcp

elvino pongsapan says:

I like your tutorials, it’s teach me lot of basic tips, thanks fro simple and clear explanations.

all the best to You.

AF0093 says:

Could you make a video explaining how to use an external flash in manual mode please?

easyexposure says:

Yes, I will make one very soon

Laneta says:

Big help, big help. And suaerlptive news of course.

Jen Chin says:

what are your suggested settings for night portrait?? thanks

Subverttech4 says:

3 things:
your very beautiful, very informative, and good examples. 🙂

chrmnxpnoy says:

do you use any filters on your lens by any chance?

hutch19601997 says:

I like your videos because you really make dumb people learn photography :D. Can you please make a video for shooting stars and galaxies? star trails and time lapse too. thxxx

anaskam says:

thanx alot for the good lesson,,i feel u had cold that night :(?
anyways gr8 lesson and gr8 teacher :))

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