PE007 – Nature Photography Workshop Tutorial – Part 1/5

Brian Palmer leads a Nature Photography workshop at the Eastern Neck National Wildlife Refuge on the Eastern Shore of Maryland. Part 1 covers • Introduction • What’s Covered – Landscape, Wildlife, Macro, Portraiture in Nature, Recipe for Good Photography, Equipment, Technique, Opportunity, Composition Basics. Framing, Rule of Thirds.


ThePhotoXpeditions says:

Great workshop! The information regarding wildlife photography is indeed very educational.

startphotography says:

Awesome video. Thanks for the tutorial!

Akram Hossain says:

Hello, are you familiar with “MagicSFXphoto” (just search on Google for it …)? There you can watch a good free video demonstrating the right way to create better photos. It made it easier for Joe to make photographs that have that wow-effect when you look at them. I hope it helps you too.

Tony says:

// frame array 50 frame works NSMutableArray *framesArray=[NSMutableArray array]; for (int i=0; i<50; i++) { ……………. } id animObjectS1=….. id animActionS1=…. animActionS1=….. DanceSAA1=[CCSprite spriteWithSpriteFrameName:@"Dance1.png"]; DanceSAA1.position=ccp(50,160); [self addChild:DanceSAA1]; [DanceSAA1 runAction:animActionS1]; ….}-(BOOL)containsTouch:(UITouch *)touch { CGRect r=[DanceSAA1 trtuxeeRect]; CGPoint p=[DanceSAA1 convertTouchToNodeSpace:touch]; return CGRectContainsPoint(r, p );}Please advice,Aprial

Warndog9 says:

This is a great podcast. looking forward to the rest of the series. This clearly hasn’t gotten the hits it deserves.

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