Nature Photography Composition Tips

This video covers some useful composition tips for nature photography, with a few additional ones on wildlife.


PartTimePhotography says:

Good stuff – I’ll pass this along to all my newsletter subscribers.

wc659 says:

Fantastic. You made it look so simple. Thanks for the video.

floydie123 says:

Great job touching on the importance of a contrasting foreground and background. Excellent video.

jfnovotny says:

where’s your flickr acount.

omgomg113 says:

where is this film recorded?

abelojero2 says:

it was shot at the LA Arboretum, in arcadia, ca

omgomg113 says:

thats a paradise! here in sweden there is no sun light att all right now it is winter and it sucks COLD WET AND DARK!

quixoticoaf81 says:

Interesting clip, I was recently reading about something similar on thephotographyclinic (.) com

TheMrsPotter1 says:

thank you so much.these tips really helped me.
i am 13 and want to be a photographer and these have really improoved my shots.
make more?

What kind of college do u go to for photography? Are they hard to get into?

Plankings says:

I took these tips and made this, tell me what you think!

tine47 says:

never seen such plants before

what camera did u use for the photos??

evamartin100 says:

Thank you…these helps a lot!

ThyIsKrazy says:


Thanks for making this video!!!! I am doing a photography club in school tomorrow! and I thought I’d look up tips for photography! I dream to become a photography when I’m older because it’s my passion. 🙂 Thanks again!

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