8 Ugly Truths About Photography

In this video Eric Rossi covers at least eight ugly truths about photography. Some are more harsh then others. There is a lot to be said about how photography is or what to expect. What else can you add? Share down below.  All camera brands make good and terrible cameras so do your research to ensure you choose the right camera.


Another one is that you gotta be a photographer first before you try and become a business man.


Your first ten thousand photos will suck. Your next ten thousand will be crap but finally your next ten thousand will be better crap. Eventually you will get a good shot. And every once in a while you will get that incredibly good shot. One day you finally catch on and learn to use your camera then you start taking photographs that speak for themselves…. That’s the ugly truth.

EricRossi25 says:

perfect point.

EricRossi25 says:

amen. couldnt be said any better.

SuperDashRendar says:

Actually no. All the “Photographers” that are financially successful are the party kind of people, they are the life of the party, they can BS with the best of them. They make car salesman look like pussies! They make everything sound wonderful, Martha Stewart would be jealous of a financially successful photographer.

GenVirtu says:

Other photographers will be better then you. I seen many photographers that do things that I still have yet to learn or understand. Granted some of them have been doing it longer or have resources/advantages I don’t have. Don’t get overwhelmed by other peoples work. You can strive to be as good. But keep learning and feel good about what you can do. Even pros say they have a lot to learn. Nobody “arrives” in photography. Even the pros who get paid.

20rockypoint says:

Hi Eric, Really enjoy your presentation. Found you thru Dom Bower’s Channel. Quick question. Can zoom lenses be used just as well and easily, as prime for video with a dslr?Thanks

EricRossi25 says:

Hey thanks for watching, I appreciate it. Yup any lens can really work for video. A lot of videographers tend to use prime lenses mainly for two reasons. They are light in wieght and the insane depth of field at 1.2 or 1.4. So it doesnt matter which. Everyone uses zoom lenses as well. Just comes down to what your shooting and if it matters. I use both zoom and prime for video. But I am NEVER zooming while recording. Zooming isnt really preferred while shooting. Hope this helps.

20rockypoint says:

/thank you for the info. Thanks for putting the positive energy into your videos too.

EricRossi25 says:

anytime, thanks for asking. Glad I could help.

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