In this video photographer Phil Steele covers a lot of flash photo tips for all camera types. Whether you have a little point-and-shoot or a digital SLR with hot-shoe flash, there is something here for you.
In this video photographer Phil Steele covers a lot of flash photo tips for all camera types. Whether you have a little point-and-shoot or a digital SLR with hot-shoe flash, there is something here for you.
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National Memory Screening DayFree, confidential mermoy screenings for anyone concerned about mermoy loss and early Alzheimer’s disease detection and intervention, sponsored by Visiting Angels in cooperation with the Alzheimer’s Foundation of America.WHEN:Tuesday November 13 2012Noon 4pmWHERE:Avalon Missionary Church. 1212 Lower Huntington Rd. Fort Wayne IN 46819INFO:National Memory Screening Day is an annual initiative of the Alzheimer’s Foundation of America (AFA). Visiting Angels is proud to be a partner in this important first step in finding out if someone has a mermoy problem, and in helping patients and families become aware of the resources and assistance that is available.While a mermoy screening is not a substitute for a consultation with a physician, it can help to determine whether additional testing is warranted. With as many as 5.1 million Americans living with Alzheimer’s disease, and many more with mild cognitive impairment and dementia, early detection and intervention can be critical to making informed decisions for greater health and quality of life.For more information on mermoy screening and resources to assist with ageing in place, cognitive impairment, mild dementia, or Alzheimer’s disease, contact Visiting Angels at 260-482-CARE (2273).
really great info! thank you for sharing.
Nice. Lot’s of useful info in a short video and explained clearly. Thanks!
Great vid!
You, sir, seem like one of the nicest guys a person could meet. Thank you so much for talking to us like friends and sincerely wanting to help us.
Awesome!!!! Thank you Mr. Steele!
Normally why buy a course when you can watch more videos and learn from them, but I must say that I learned more with your video than all the other ones I’ve seen combined. I will look into your link because I would like to buy one of your training courses. Thanks again for well done course.
7:20 it didn’t warm it, the ambient light just started to come through
hi, i have a dilemma. I like to shoot indoors at high isos to achieve higher shutter speeds. However, as you have demonstrated here, when i use fill flash my subjects are blown out, and even worst, the room’s llight is overwhelmed by the flash. So i bring the iso to 100, the lighting is great, but the shutter is tooooo damn slooooow. What to do?
Forgot to say, its an on camera flash (nex7), with only flash comp. but no manual flash adjustment. If i used an off camera flash with manual, and set it to low power……so low that theoretically, at a high iso it will fill the subject but NOT DISRUPT THE BACKGROUND LIGHTING. HELP!!!!!!!!!
thanks man you are awesome
thanks for the video
I feel saftsiied after reading that one.
Thank you for showing examples will subscribe
one of the best tutorial channel, thank you for sharing the knowledge.
Thank you for the comprehensive but easy to follow tutorial
Christmas Cookie Walk at Agape Church of the BrethrenDon’t have time to make homemade ciokoes or candy for the holidays? Don’t like to bake? Have a last minute get-together and need dessert? We have the solution for YOU! Come to the “Christmas Cookie Walk” at Agape Church of the Brethren, 11610 Lima Rd. (between Carroll and Dupont Roads) on Saturday, December 8, from 9:00 A.M. to 12:00 noon. We will have many different varieties to tempt your taste buds. Some of the ciokoes featured will be: holiday cut-outs, buckeyes, peanut butter blossoms, monster ciokoes, and many more. We will also have a limited number of homemade Chocolate Covered Caramel Apples decorated for Christmas. Mark your calendars and get there early for best selection of these yummy treats at only $6.00/lb. Proceeds will be used for Women’s Fellowship projects and Outreach Ministries.In addition, holiday and gift items, handmade by Agape craftpersons, will be sold. A variety of wooden, quilted, knitted, crocheted, and “crafty” specialties are available with proceeds going to the Agape Women’s Fellowship projects. AND the youth group will be selling HUGE jelly beans as a fund raiser for their activities.Lots will be happening – hope you can join us! For more information call the church office at 260-489-6908.
Thinks for the great video.
outstanding videos..i needed to find out more on the 580 compared to the 430 and what i need the flash for is as a support light when shooting at racing circuits or dragracing standing next to the dragracing car, do you think i need the more powerfull 580 ? thanks
amazing tutorial, easy and really well explained. best regards, from brazil. 😉
what type of camera will be best to buy to take photo
Nice tutorial!
Dont cover your flash with a finger!!! It would give you a very red picture instead of decreasing the power!
Wow! I love the ideas. Thank you for the tips!
now i can point and shoot. thank you!
Thank you!
thanks but you forgot to mention the need of a tripod or other support when using slow sync otherwise any background data the camera captures will be destroyed with the longer shutter. also, if you were using a piece of paper as a diffuser, would you not need to increase the flash’s output to compensate to fire through it? wax paper would be better option?
carson kressley?
“tell your camera what to do” best advice
This was great man, really helpful!
Can i use the CLC of Nikon, without using any wireless trigger?
Breakfast with Santa! Saturday, December 1st from 9-11AMOssian United Methodist Church201 W. Mill Street in Ossian, In 46777Come have pancakes, deoluiics egg casseroles, smoky links, cereal, donuts, dutch crunch dessert, Coffee, milk and juice something for everyoneHave your children’s picture taken with Santa and then they can shop in the Elf Store for their family members. Elves will be available to help them shop so they can keep it a surprise! All gifts are $2 and gift wrapping is included. This is a fun, holiday event sponsored by the Norwell High School Show ChoirSee you there!
Hi there, do you know “Photo SFXart Tricks” (do a Google search for it)? On their website you can watch a smart free video featuring the right way to shoot fantastic pictures. It made it possible for Daniel to shoot pictures which have that jaw-dropping-effect when you look at them. Perhaps it will work for you as well…
Skip to 4:58 for DSLR
this man looks like GREEN GOBLIN in the Spiderman movie (y)
You would only need to compensate if you are using your on-camera (pop-up) flash in manual mode. The TTL metering adjusts automatically. Mind you, you are going to lose a couple of stops of *potential* flash power, so you are going to be limited to about half the maximum camera-to-subject distance compared to an undiffused flash. With wax paper, tracing paper or frosted drafting film, you’ll lose a little less range, but not much — and you’re less likely to find it to hand on location.
Thanks Flashwhisperer!! Your video provided ALL the flash instruction needed for me and my friends to start creating inspiring photos. Most importantly you did it in a nonsense easy-to-understand elegant way just like the great ones of history (i.e e=mc^2). BTW In order to thank you you moved me to create an account on youtube and to continue doing so I will share your video with all my friends and family.
A really excellent instructive video. Very grateful for this!
I’m just starting out (well I used to shoot manual back in the late 80s and 90s). I’m getting the Nikon D7000 as an entry level camera. I can’t thank you enough for such a fantastic video and really hope to hear more tips from you!!
Good afternoon! Have you had any luck with photo sfxart tricks (just google it)? My buddy James made some very incredible pictures with their video tutorials.
Awesome vid man
Great tips
excellent video. informed and informative.