In this second episode of Karl Taylor’s two part Macro Photography tips videos we actually see the results generated by the various lenses, cameras and accessories discussed in the first video.
In this second episode of Karl Taylor’s two part Macro Photography tips videos we actually see the results generated by the various lenses, cameras and accessories discussed in the first video.
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good vid
Great tips !
Microscope incoming.
it did kinda sound like he said bald head instead of ball head 😉
how about 3 extensing tubes in that dedicated macro lense and external light source?
Want to know how close you can get with the nice expansive macro lens and the extention tube`s combined! 😛
these are like underground secrets that no pro photographer will ever tell you
except the last lens, I built myself a macro lens and that is like play. … and have the power like lents from min 5.38 🙂
I use a reverse macro ring. It allows me to get amazing shots for the price of the ring ($8+/-). I am having one issue. My images are really fuzzy if I zoom on them. The images are 12MP. They are big, but they look their best at 25% size. I was just wondering if anyone knows why this happens.
extension tubes…a tenner! :)
you’ll see atom 😉
Karl, this was the absolute *best* breakdown video I’ve seen covering all the potentials here for macro ‘lens’ shooting. Excellent job! Cheers!!
thanks for extension tubes karl
anybody tried Using that lens for portraits? youd probably see what the models is thinking… and her neurons and stuff….
maybe ur picture isnt focus accurately? or your aperture is to wide ? normally macro people uses very small F-number and compensate light loss with a flash gun to achieve maximum depth of view, as you can see from the MP65, the 3 letter TWE only 1.5 of the letter is showing the rest of the area around it is blurred
the photos in the background are so funny!!! 😀
Would it also be possible to use the tele lens together with the extension tubes? If yes, would the resluts be good?
I like the lens its great. I have a question- I have seen better pics from this lens on full frame cameras compared to crop, is there a reason why?
Amazing vid for someone like me at my stage in the game. Thank you for posting..
very nice video
and can u tell us the brand of the extender and the sizes
cause i have the canon 18-55mm and i want put this extenders as u make in the video its very good idea
I really wanted him to do add another topic for macro “Reverse ring”
How many megapixels do you need to get a picture the size of the one in the background?
Any tips on extension tubes? I only find rather expensive ones..
Really Thanks , Amazing Review , It’s help Me Very Much .
very useful video and I just want to know can I use the extension tube in 18-135mm lens..or not reply me in thank you
@ 9:00 what would happen if you put the deticated macro lens and the three extention tubes on the camera in combination with eachother?
You will see into the future?
Whats the plastic clip thing under the macro lens?
What about inverting the lens with the extension tubes
that extention tubes on the vid are auto focus you can by the manual focus for 15 dollar maximum and do the same thing , same quality !!
should try the telephoto with the extension tubes
A very detailed video..You have forgot to mention that you can reverse the 18-55 lens for a much more detailed macro…..cheers
is there any trick to control the apperture if our lens does not have an aperture lens?
because these cheap tubes dont have electric contacts.
Great video!
Three 1.5x extenders on a 75-300mm o_o.
Very helpful video… thanks!
Buy some kenko tubes that do have electronic contacts. If you are reversing a lens, then you could do a trick, but I’ll leave your response to explain that.
Lens extension create less distance on macro photoshot, less light. Noted!
It’s not a “plastic clip thing”, it’s a tripod mount. Normally, you’d mount this lens to the tripod and just attach the camera to that. Most longer/heavier lenses have their own tripod mount (and it’s a rotating ring on the lens, so you just loosen a knob and swivel the camera to shoot horizontally or vertically).
I’m afraid I have to disagree here. Much of my wildlife (songbird) photography was done using a 400mm lens with an extension tube to get inside the lens’s closest focusing distance. A scant few millimetres of extension (12mm or 25mm bellows draw) makes no appreciable difference to the effective aperture (it’s less than a third of a stop at 25mm), while the same extension on an 18mm lens means a full stop (at 12mm, or three stops in the case of the 25mm tube) of compensation.
you would probably see cells lol
What’s the downside of using extension tubes that do not maintain electrical contact between the body and the lens? Should I steer clear of these tubes?
Get a cheap EF 35-80mm, remove the front group of elements. Very cheap (and crude) macro lens, albeit with NO focusing in the lens (you have to physically move to get focus) but you can get excellent results.
excellent tutorial, I was always curious as to what exactly everything does. this was fab.
Thank you very much.
I’m new in the photography world, but a mounth ago I started doing macro photography.I must say, this video was very helful to me ! If you’d like to check out my videos… feel free.
Great stuff Karl have you tried the Raynox range of Macro lens attachments? what’s your opinion of them as on a budget starting out they can give some great results at a very good price.
What kind of magnification will i yield ??
When using a 70-200L f4 with those 3 (i presume kenko) tubes combined @ 68mm extension 12+20+36 (is that right?) on a 600D ??
Grtz from The Netherlands !
Once again a very nice vid Karl! congrats! but i have a question.. why it’s macro photography and not micro photography? It’s obvious that we photographing small in size or ..micro.. objects with these lences.
The root and origin of the word “makro” is Greek and means “μακρύ=long” or “μακριά=far”
what will happen if you’ll attach the extension tubes to the macro lens?!