Flash Photography – 5 Min Portrait with Zack Arias

In this video Zack Arias shares some lighting nuggets during a late night 5 minute portrait session with Jared from www.froknowsphoto.com


Diogo Esteves says:

Hello Jered, first of all great job with all the videos, I’ve got a question, I’ve got my flashes to use off camera and I’ve got a studio L-120 180W, I have the wireless triggers for the flashes and the wireless separate for the flash head, I want to use the flash head and a couple of flashes at the same time, how can I do it ? Cos not all my flashes have slave mode, I want to be able to trigger my flash head and my flashes, is there any piece of equipment to do this ? Best regards, thanks.

Joonas Puuppo says:

Open up your aperture, increase your flash power.

SimonSchmidt1997 says:

Try to use the lowest flash power and if the power is not enough put it closer to your subject.
Then use a really high zoom level, so you can really concentrate your light on your subject so there’s no flash light on the background.
The angle is important too the light must come from the side so theres again no flash light on the backgroun.
I hope i could help.

Paolo Infante says:

hey jared can u tell us the settings for each of the photos? 🙂 please?

danxrm says:

Amazing flash effects 🙂

Minoru Moore says:

You could try closing down the aperture. Or maybe increase the flash strength, move the flash closer to the subject, or adjust the room lights if that’s possible.

T.A. B says:

so jared whats easier taking foto’s or taking instruction?

Daniel Pryce says:

increase the apature. It’s almost like low key photography. Increase the sync speed to 1/320 F/8. That would do the trick. try that.

tecpaneca says:

seg 00:20 … the worst!… 🙁

Rees473 says:

The ‘Running Man’ shots were sick!
They all were, but the Running Man was class.

vinh tu says:

I think he put some black gel (transparent plastic paper) over the flash. Please correct me if I was wrong 🙂

eldazzo74 says:

OMG!He touched the model!*gasp*

Note the intended sarcasm.

richieramone1 says:

These dudes are high…hahaha! Z.Arias rules!

what size is the Honl speed grid he’s using? 1/8 or 1/4? i would really appreciate a feedback. thanks!

frilink says:


I see what you did there…….

cockyjeremy says:

What’s your ISO?

cockyjeremy says:

Also, is your flash too close to the background that isn’t turning black? Try pulling away a bit.

cockyjeremy says:

He put a grid over it to make the flash only go to specific areas instead of spreading so far.

TheTkeeper says:

Awesome short shoot. Enjoyed watchin!

moktantyson says:

i thought zack was a one flash man..lol..from kai’s video

dimoinmortal says:

I have a Nikon Flashlight sb-910, and if someone is interested, i can sell it for a good price, because my nicon crashed and i want a new one but have no money 🙁

Makaveli pac says:

how to make photo like this at 6:40 awesome pic !! please help

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