Karl Taylor’s photography tips on light will probably change the way you plan your photography composition from now on!
Karl Taylor’s photography tips on light will probably change the way you plan your photography composition from now on!
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This is such a great video, thank you! I love photography but i have a lot to learn about lighting. your video was very helpful!
which wide angle lens did you use here?
Very clear illustration, thank you very much. from Hong Kong.
I wanted to ask you a question, ok, so i want a Nikon L810, i had some photography classes my freshman year of highschool, im going to be a junior this year:), i was wondering if a Nikon L810 is a good camera to start off with ?(:
If u can email me at
Xochitl Garcia
this looks like a great photography channel…SUBSCRIBED!
Great video Karl!
Awesome thanks!
“As you can see sometimes, ya need to get your feet wet to get the best shot” – could of been in a guy ritchie film These videos are awesome, I only wish he would put up the photos he take as quick look on the screen so I can see his result (not just with this clip). This feels like it should be on TV, really great presentation & so much content. Thanks so much for having such a great channel!
Some really great shots and info in here 🙂
Hes a Canon user as well? Yeah ill be buying his DVD’s! lol
Love this guy. Such great energy towards photography.
JOIN TEAM JOEY NATION!BUFFALO WILD WINGS IN AUBURN, IN Wednesday NOV. 14th from 6-8(Come on out!) You may contact for conuops. 10% of all food purchases will be donated to help JOEY!**TEAM JOEY Christmas Extravaganza** Mark your Calendar!!Date: November 17th, 2012Time: 12:00pm 5:00pmLocation: Auburn First Christian Church,910 N. Indiana Ave. Auburn, IN (Just south of Rieke Park) SANTA will be there for a photo Opp, bring your camera, take all the pictures you need and make your Christmas Cards perfect, coloring table for kids to color pages for the Keller’s, Party lite candles, Premier Designs, a Certified Massage Therapist (for on the spot massage), home made Jams, bake sale, 31, Vault Denim, home made blankets, scarves and purses and many more things! SILENT AUCTION: Debrands chocolates gift baskets, American doll clothes, Cookie cottage gift baskets, Italian Grille gift cert, Albright’s Grocery gift Cert., movie baskets, longaberger baskets, Vera Bradley Bags and MUCH MUCH MORE! Please join us in making this a SUCCESS FOR JOEY!!!! Please share and mark your Calendar!
What lens was he using for the indoor pictures??
And will it work on a Canon T2i
Karl your awesome 🙂
thanks for this, im in year 9 and ive chose photography for a gcse. over the summer holidays i gotta take 24 pictures of landscape, still life, portraits, moving objects and archetecture.
thanks again
Cheers mate I’m 14 wondering what tripod your using there?
what is that tripod man its must be crazy heavy 🙂 lens 14-24 nikon and filter is Lee filter good job boss
you are da boss…..
Thank you for this great video
i love his accent, lol
Looks like a canon 50mm f1.2 but you can do the same thing with the 50mm f.8.
And yes, it will work on the T2i.
gr8 , useful tips 🙂
You’re like a Steve Irwin photography style lol.
which camera did u use?
steve irwin of photography!
Photography Tips they never die…. 🙂
1Ds Mark III
me too! :D
Hey guys if u have some free time could you check out my photography compilation? I think I have some great pictures but I don’t have any good criticism. Its called 60D Photography Compilation. Thanks!
Well Done Dude…keep these coming ! Bravo !
Great descriptions of light types.
Well explained 🙂
Karl, really great information clearly laid out! I was wondering, what portrait lens were you using here? (85mm?) I’m also a bit curious about the lens shade/hood that was on the lens. Did that come with the lens or was it an after market? Also, do you ever use a macro lens portrait work to get good selective DOF?
Photography is a passion for many people. Its limits are boundless and it can become your profession if you put your heart and soul into it – thank you for the tips Karl!
thanks KARL!
Very helpful, thanks!
Holy heck, Vicki has a sexy voice.
nice one
Thanks Karl. Great video. I appreciate your time.
Karl is genius! thank you for the tips!
Digital Single Lens Reflex = DSLR :)