Jay Goodrich On Nature Photography

Jay Goodrich has the eye to still architecture and Mother Nature in the most breathtaking way. Going beyond the most important tenants of photography, composition, clarity, and light, Jay’s photos also exude emotion and passion.


antonioreyes1987 says:

Love it!!! Keep them coming 🙂

Mohammad says:

Would you happen to have any flmaiy photo’s that were taken in Sterling that you would be willing to share? I live in Sterling and am interested in the history. Any photo’s that also include buildings are of interest.I remember your Aunt Francis and Uncle Dugan and Butch, they lived down the road from me when I was growing up.

kriso122 says:

She has no clue what he’s talking about.
Still love the vid , super !!!!

thanks for framing jay–really enjoyed this! nature photog is my passion. i got goosebumps at the end. 😉

oceandrew says:

Another superb interview and introduction to a gifted artist…. thank you. I continue to look forward to work.

boerenkoolmetworst says:

That’s probably more Melissa’s way of interviewing and getting more ‘talk’ out of the other person

tylersccr2 says:

nice job layne. You guys are doing awesome.

Raj Singh Arora says:

dude offer the lady your jacket she is cold !!!

wogaff says:

this woman is so annoying, ARGHHHH.


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