Australian Landscape Photography Exhibition NIght

In this video Australian photographer Jamie Paterson gives a slide show presentation on his public exhibition including some of his very inspiring photographs.


Coralee says:

A wonderful job. Super helpful intnrmafioo.

t2iskyler says:

you have some amazing shots gave me some good ideas. what would you say would be the better buy for landscapes a 70-200 f2.8 or a wide angle

Blue says:

I’ll try to put this to good use imydtiaeelm.

jpatersonphotography says:

Thank you. The 70-200 is a fantastic lens and I have one myself, in fact I’ve had if for 4yrs. What lens you buy really depends on your needs. What I can say is that none of my photos that you see in the exhibition were taken with the 70-200, they were nearly all taken with a wide angle lens.

t2iskyler says:

ok it just a hard choice right now for me because i want a wide angle and the 70-200 because it is good for almost anything

murphfishing says:

Very nice, great work, you capture the world and many thanks for all your tips and tutorials that you do. Very helpful.

jpatersonphotography says:

Maybe you could talk to your local photography shop and see if they will let you trial some lenses for a few hours to see which one suits you best? I quite often borrow lenses when I’m interested in them. If they won’t lend one to you perhaps they will hire them to you. Hope that helps with your decision. 🙂

jpatersonphotography says:

Thank you very, very much. I really appreciate those kind words! 🙂

t2iskyler says:

ok ill go by sometime thank for the idea

Live4Cod says:

jamie what do you think of the canon 17-40 l lens for landscape and im thinking of buying that for nect lens.

Hugo says:

It’s a very wise answer of Mr/s Snout.The first firtelity test commonly performed in order to diagnose the cause of male infertility is the semen analysis test. Any problems affecting sperm shape (morphology), sperm movement (motility), or sperm count will require a semen analysis test. The cost of infertility tests can range from a few hundred to a few thousand dollars, depending on the sophistication of the required firtelity test.Good luck.

mattyshea5 says:

Great video Jamie! Watch it every time I need some photography inspiration. cheers

Christelle says:

Be careful taikng medical advice from Yahoo Answers.Some of the answers to your last question were bizarre, especially the one about masturbation causing torsion of the testis.One testis larger than the other may be a result of mumps, but you should seek proper medical advice about this in your case.Sperm count tests involve examining a fresh semen sample. They are not expensive as tests go, but obviously require some privacy to produce. Talk to your doctor about this.

jpatersonphotography says:

Hey Matt. Thanks for that. I’m sort of heading over to your end of Oz in August. I’m off to Merimbula.

jpatersonphotography says:

For seascapes if you can afford the 17mm TSE lens go for it. If you can’t the 17-40mm is still a fantastic lens.

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