Basic Subject Centric Lighting – Tabletop Product Photography with Don Giannatti
Uploaded by Jennifer Kummer on October 19, 2012 at 7:56 pm
Basic Subject Centric Lighting – Tabletop Product Photography with Don Giannatti
In this video photographer Don Giannatti shares a tutorial on the basic concepts of Tabletop Product Photography. Don starts with an introduction to tabletop lighting - tools, scrims, DIY gear - and how to organize your shoot around a tabletop to bring everyone up to speed, moving on to more advanced topics adding extras such as kicker lights, snoots, and grids that can bring your work up a notch.
In this video photographer Don Giannatti shares a tutorial on the basic concepts of Tabletop Product Photography. Don starts with an introduction to tabletop lighting – tools, scrims, DIY gear – and how to organize your shoot around a tabletop to bring everyone up to speed, moving on to more advanced topics adding extras such as kicker lights, snoots, and grids that can bring your work up a notch.
You should take a drive with the falimy up past Batchelor Heights on the Lac Du Bois road. Go about 15 km up the road and on the right hand side you’ll see a tiny pull out with two no/post guardrails on it (those cement barrier things)and a pretty pond behind them. Park there and follow the trail off to the right. It takes you up into the hills and, once you get over the first one, you will see rolling hills as far as the eye can see and a few little lakes too. It’s one of my favorite places in all of the loops. It’s also, hands down, Juno’s favorite place to explore. I’d take you there, but LOL
This is fantastic. I ask myself why haven’t I been paying more attention of the reflections around the subject? I always figured reflections you add to enhance the subject, but I was forgetting about the reflections that were all ready there. It was interesting to see how you outlined the glass by extending your card, this just added reflection. Why didn’t I see this before? Do you use hot lights or flash?
You should take a drive with the falimy up past Batchelor Heights on the Lac Du Bois road. Go about 15 km up the road and on the right hand side you’ll see a tiny pull out with two no/post guardrails on it (those cement barrier things)and a pretty pond behind them. Park there and follow the trail off to the right. It takes you up into the hills and, once you get over the first one, you will see rolling hills as far as the eye can see and a few little lakes too. It’s one of my favorite places in all of the loops. It’s also, hands down, Juno’s favorite place to explore. I’d take you there, but LOL
awesome …..luv it…
You’ve captured this pefecrtly. Thanks for taking the time!
This is fantastic. I ask myself why haven’t I been paying more attention of the reflections around the subject? I always figured reflections you add to enhance the subject, but I was forgetting about the reflections that were all ready there. It was interesting to see how you outlined the glass by extending your card, this just added reflection. Why didn’t I see this before? Do you use hot lights or flash?
Wow! I love this, this is awesome. Thank you so much for sharing this online!